
Showing posts from August, 2017

What is the most important thing your mom has taught you?

Sadie- Mom taught me not to measure salt over the bowl when you are making cookies because if you do so and spill that will be a lot of salt in the cookies. Lindsey- To finish what I start.  So if I start a chore or a class or teaching do what I say I am going to do and do it well, to follow through on your word.  She always does what she says she is going to do.  There are many times that I am tempted to slack, but I don't.  It feels good to finish what you say you are going to do, whether it is for yourself or someone else. Andrew- Probably do what you do when you say you are going to do it. And also do it right the first time so you don't have to do it again. Clay- The most important thing that my mom taught me was that her love was unconditional.  When I was being stupid as a teenager she would listen to me without judging me and I never doubted that she still loved me even when I was doing exactly what she told me not to do. By knowing tha...

What's a rule you always hated as a kid?

Andrew: I don't like having to say where I'm going to go because sometimes Mom or Dad won't be home, but I want to go somewhere. If I'm already somewhere and I want to go somewhere else but don't have a way to tell them, then I'm not supposed to go. Sadie: I always hated the rules: "No eating in the living room" and "No reading at the table" because it means I can't eat while I read. Lindsey: Clay: The first one that comes to mind is my Dad's rule that you can't ride motorcycles. I had friends that had little scooters or motorcycles and we couldn't ride them. Sometimes I felt guilty when I would ride a motorcycle and not tell him about it because it was still his rule when we lived in his house. Genene: I hated that we couldn't get our ears pierced - ever. I got mine pierced when I turned 19. My friend worked at Claire's and paid for me to get my ears pierced for my birthday. My mom was mad at me, but the next year...

Growing up, what was your least favorite chore and why?

- Grandma Pam: I actually like to work, so this is a hard question. I just wanted to get my jobs done quickly so I could go play. I'd get done fast with my jobs, but my sister wouldn't be done and my mother wouldn't let her play, so I'd help her until her jobs were done so we could both play. In the end, I'd have done both of our jobs. When we were camping, my siblings would make fun of me because I'd be out "sweeping the dirt" so it would look nice. - Genene: I HATED DOING DISHES! There were so many every single day. End of story. - Clay: Milking the cow at night, mostly because it meant I had to do something and I was inherently lazy, like everyone else. It wasn't hard, but I had to do it every single night. The cow never took a day off. I usually milked the cow at 9 or 10 o'clock when it was supposed to be milked at 6. It made the cow very unhappy. - Andrew: Sweeping the stairs and entry; just kidding that is the easiest job in the w...

What do/did you love most about your childhood home?

Clay- I first grew up in the home in Crescent. I was 5-6 years old.  We had a huge hay field behind our house, in the middle of nowhere.  There were train tracks behind the house a few blocks away.  We would play on the tracks and in the ditches and do whatever we wanted. When we moved to Highland we had all the trees, barns, garages and we would play in all of them.  I always lived in houses where there was space everywhere.  You could go explore and it wasn't crowded- back to back houses. Andrew- I like that it is in the cul de sac and you can ride bikes around and play in the road and fly those remote control cars and airplanes.  I like that it was by all my friends, within biking distance.  I liked the deserts that we used to have that we could go and build forts in. Lindsey- I liked that we had the trees on the side yard that I could climb and I could be in my pretend world.  Cameron and I named the trees; my trees were Clarissa and Thomas...