What is the most important thing your mom has taught you?

Sadie- Mom taught me not to measure salt over the bowl when you are making cookies because if you do so and spill that will be a lot of salt in the cookies.

Lindsey- To finish what I start.  So if I start a chore or a class or teaching band.....to do what I say I am going to do and do it well, to follow through on your word.  She always does what she says she is going to do.  There are many times that I am tempted to slack, but I don't.  It feels good to finish what you say you are going to do, whether it is for yourself or someone else.

Andrew- Probably do what you do when you say you are going to do it. And also do it right the first time so you don't have to do it again.

Clay- The most important thing that my mom taught me was that her love was unconditional.  When I was being stupid as a teenager she would listen to me without judging me and I never doubted that she still loved me even when I was doing exactly what she told me not to do. By knowing that I was able to confide in her more because I knew that she was willing to listen.  Sometimes you just need someone to listen to you.

Genene- The most important thing that my mom taught me is to not give up, on yourself or on other people.  She is a very determined person and taught me that I can get through any trial because I am strong and determined too.



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