What's a rule you always hated as a kid?

Andrew: I don't like having to say where I'm going to go because sometimes Mom or Dad won't be home, but I want to go somewhere. If I'm already somewhere and I want to go somewhere else but don't have a way to tell them, then I'm not supposed to go.
Sadie: I always hated the rules: "No eating in the living room" and "No reading at the table" because it means I can't eat while I read.
Clay: The first one that comes to mind is my Dad's rule that you can't ride motorcycles. I had friends that had little scooters or motorcycles and we couldn't ride them. Sometimes I felt guilty when I would ride a motorcycle and not tell him about it because it was still his rule when we lived in his house.
Genene: I hated that we couldn't get our ears pierced - ever. I got mine pierced when I turned 19. My friend worked at Claire's and paid for me to get my ears pierced for my birthday. My mom was mad at me, but the next year she changed the rule and everyone got their ears pierced. It might have been my dad's rule more than my mom's. I remember hearing, "If God wanted holes in your ears He would have put them there."


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